Analysis of JavaScript Programs: Challenges and Research Trends

Authors : Kwangwon Sun , Sukyoung Ryu Authors Info & Claims

Article No.: 59, Pages 1 - 34 Published : 25 August 2017 Publication History 14 citation 2,502 Downloads Total Citations 14 Total Downloads 2,502 Last 12 Months 313 Last 6 weeks 47 Get Citation Alerts

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JavaScript has been a de facto standard language for client-side web programs, and now it is expanding its territory to general purpose programs. In this article, we classify the client-side JavaScript research for the last decade or so into six topics: static analysis, dynamic analysis, formalization and reasoning, type safety and JIT optimization, security for web applications, and empirical studies. Because the majority of the research has focused on static and dynamic analyses of JavaScript, we evaluate research trends in the analysis of JavaScript first and then the other topics. Finally, we discuss possible future research directions with open challenges.


Wonsun Ahn, Jiho Choi, Thomas Shull, María J. Garzarán, and Josep Torrellas. 2014. Improving JavaScript performance by deconstructing the type system. In Proc. of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. 496--507

Saba Alimadadi, Ali Mesbah, and Karthik Pattabiraman. 2015. Hybrid DOM-sensitive change impact analysis for JavaScript. In Proc. of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. 321--345.

Saba Alimadadi, Sheldon Sequeira, Ali Mesbah, and Karthik Pattabiraman. 2014. Understanding JavaScript event-based interactions. In Proc. of the International Conference on Software Engineering. 367--377.

Christopher Anderson, Paola Giannini, and Sophia Drossopoulou. 2005. Towards type inference for JavaScript. In Proc. of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. 428--452.

Esben Andreasen and Anders Møller. 2014. Determinacy in static analysis for jquery. In Proc. of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications. 17--31.