What to Do to Have a Strong Guardianship Case

The first step to preparing for a strong guardianship case is hiring an experienced guardianship lawyer . Guardianship is an important role for any individual to take on. It is usually appointed by a probate court, but an individual can petition a family court to become a legal guardian as well.

In most situations, a ward is a minor child, a senior citizen, and/or an individual with severe mental and/or physical disabilities that prevents them from caring for themselves. In some jurisdictions, a guardianship is referred to as a conservatorship.

Usually, if an individual is petitioning to become a legal guardian for another, it is someone they care about and want to ensure their best interests are protected. The requirements and rules for guardianships will vary by state, which is why it is essential to have an attorney’s assistance.

The individual petitioning for guardianship must show why the potential ward requires a legal guardian. A court may appoint a guardian for a minor child in cases where their parents:

It is important to be aware that in cases of minor children, the court will use the best interest of the child standard in appointing a guardian. The court will weigh many factors, including:

It is also important to be aware that there are two sets of legal rights that may be awarded to a guardian. These include: