How to get Birth Certificate in Uttar Pradesh?

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A birth certificate is an official document issued by a government authority that serves as a formal record of a person's birth. It contains crucial information such as the individual's name, date of birth, and place of birth, including details about the parents. This document is essential for establishing a person's identity, age, and citizenship, making it a fundamental piece of identification for various legal and administrative purposes.

Documents required to register a Birth in Uttar Pradesh

In case the birth takes place at the residence:

In case the birth takes place in a hospital:

How to register births in Uttar Pradesh?

The births are registered at the place of occurrence of the event and by the concerned registrar under whose jurisdiction the event has taken place.

The institutional events can not be reported by the family members, it is the duty of the in-charge of the institution to report such events to the concerned registrar.

Through the online portal, the general public may report only domiciliary (house/home) events within 21 days of the occurrence of the event. If the event has crossed the limit of 21 days, one must approach the office of the concerned Registrar (B&D).

How to apply online for a Birth Certificate in Uttar Pradesh?

To apply online for a birth certificate in case of domiciliary event, follow these steps

Prescribed time period for registration of Birth in Uttar Pradesh

The normal period of 21 days (from the date of occurrence) has been prescribed for reporting the birth, death and still birth events.

In case of Delayed Registration

Delayed Days Range [>21 days and up to 30 days]:

Delayed Days Range ( >30 days and < 1 year):

Delayed by more than 1 year:

Fees for registration of Birth in Uttar Pradesh

If the event of a birth is reported for registration to the prescribed authority within the normal period of 21 days, no fee would be charged.


In creating this guide, we have referred to high-quality, credible sources such as official government orders, user manuals, and relevant materials from government websites.

  1. Civil Registration System
  2. Civil Registration System FAQs


What are some common queries related to Birth Certificate Uttar Pradesh?
You can find a list of common Birth Certificate Uttar Pradesh queries and their answer in the link below.
Birth Certificate Uttar Pradesh queries and its answers

Where can I get my queries related to Birth Certificate Uttar Pradesh answered for free?
Tesz is a free-to-use platform for citizens to ask government-related queries. Questions are sent to a community of experts, departments and citizens to answer. You can ask the queries here.
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