Make sure your canteen is hygenic with a canteen inspection checklist

A canteen hygiene inspection checklist is useful for establishments providing food services, such as cafeterias, restaurants, and canteens. It is designed to help businesses maintain a high level of hygiene, safety, and sanitation on their premises. The checklist covers various aspects of a canteen, including proper food storage, food handling, and cleaning and sanitizing.

Downloaded 477 times LEGAL & POLICY 1. Legal awareness and standards e.g. guide to good hygiene and practice - catering guide Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 2. Food safety risk assessment: identification of food hazards control at CCP's Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES 3. Audits Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 4. Surface / utensil swabbing regime Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 5. Documentation and records of above Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 6. New starter training - food / personal hygiene Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 7. Food handlers - EH Basic hygiene certificate Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 8. Management - intermediate / advanced food hygiene Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 9. Return to work screening - sickness / holiday / new starters Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 10. Protective workwear and jewellery Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable CANTEEN FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 11. Hand-wash stations adequate Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 12. Separation of raw food preparation areas Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 13. Lighting and ventilation Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 14. Separate refrigeration for raw and cooked food Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 15. Signage for separate refrigeration for raw and cooked food Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 16. Fridge temperatures - Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 17. Temperature checks of chilled foods recorded daily Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 18. Temperature probe calibrated Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 19. Temperature probe sanitised Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 20. Chilled display protected by 'sneeze' guard Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 21. Ambient food storage conditions Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 22. Slicing machine - condition and controls Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 23. Segregation of utensils (boards and knives) and separate storage Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 24. Microwave ovens - minimum 1000 watts Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 25. Microwave ovens - maintenance contract Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable FOOD PREPARATION 26. Checks on delivery - visual and temperatures Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 27. Records of delivery checks Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 28. Frozen products defrosted in refrigeration Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 29. Internal temperature of defrosted food checked before use Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 30. Cooking - internal temperature at >75 deg for raw protein foods recorded per shift Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 31. Chilling of cooked food within 30 minutes of cooking Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 32. Records kept of internal cooking temps / chilling times Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 33. Reheated food - internal temperature checked to be 75 deg Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 34. Temperature of food 63 deg during display and service Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 35. Temperatures of food checked and recorded during service Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 36. Refrigerated, frozen, ambient stored food all with dates Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 37. Good design for cleaning Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 38. Effective dishwasher working Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 39. Scourers plastic and in good condition Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 40. Cloths, disposable and in good condition Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 41. Drying cloths - disposable or controls on cotton towels Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 42. Oven gloves - clean / good condition Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 43. Cleaning schedules - written with frequency / who / materials Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 44. Cleaning records and sign off Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable PEST CONTROL 45. Pest control contract In place / effective Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 46. Pest proofing - windows / doors / EFK Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 47. Water quality checks Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 48. Audited supplier Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 49. All eggs with a best before date Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 50. Stored below 5 deg in raw fridge Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 51. Hand wash / gloves after handling eggs Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable OTHER RAW FOODS 52. Written specifications for purchase of foods Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 53. Main suppliers and high risk food suppliers audited, with records. Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable EMPLOYEES OWN FOOD CONTROLS 54. Refrigerated storage available Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 55. Area cleaned satisfactorily Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 56. Consumption only in canteen Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable 57. Microwave ovens clean Compliant Improve Non Compliant Not Applicable Confirmation Inspector's Name Signature Share this template:

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How a canteen hygiene inspection checklist is an invaluable tool for any business that serves food.

Canteen hygiene inspection checklists are essential for any business that serves food, as they ensure safety and hygiene standards are met. This checklist helps to ensure that all food items, surfaces, and equipment are regularly inspected and cleaned. The checklist can help boost operational efficiency by quickly identifying any potential problems and addressing them before they become larger issues. It also helps reduce the potential for health and safety hazards while maintaining the highest hygiene standards.

A canteen hygiene inspection checklist is also a great tool for training staff in good hygiene practices. It can help to ensure that all employees are aware of the necessary safety and hygiene procedures and are following them consistently.

Thus the benefits of using a canteen hygiene inspection checklist are numerous. Businesses can feel secure that they assess the hygiene, safety, and cleanliness of their premises and staff in an efficient way. Lumiform’s customizable checklist includes a series of questions that need to be answered, such as whether food is being stored or whether the personnel is informed about the business’s standards. The checklist can be customized to your business’s needs and standards in order to ensure that their premises maintain high hygiene, safety, and sanitation standard. This can help reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, reduce costs associated with cleaning and sanitizing, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, it can help businesses identify areas of improvement and ensure they are taking the necessary.

By using Lumiform’s digital canteen hygiene inspection checklist, you can ensure that all of your staff are following the necessary procedures and that the quality and safety of your food are always up to standard.

Please note that this checklist template is a hypothetical appuses-hero example and provides only standard information. The template does not aim to replace, among other things, workplace, health and safety advice, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or any other applicable law. You should seek your professional advice to determine whether the use of such a checklist is appropriate in your workplace or jurisdiction.

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