MKU Career Guide

Every year, we receive thousands of inquiries from school leavers on the various programmes they can undertake at University and tertiary institutions. Whereas a few of them seem to have reasonable knowledge on post-secondary training, there are numerous students who lack basic but critical information on the foundations of career planning and choice. We often come across students who insist on studying for a course where they clearly lack basic foundation in academic and attitude preparation. Indeed, there are cases where students have enrolled in certain programmes but later on discover they lack interest in the particular field. The challenges and career opportunities discussed in this Guide are not only confined within Kenya and the East African universities and tertiary institutions but are also global in nature.
This easy-to-read, do-it-yourself Career Information Guide is intended to answer key questions in career planning and eventual choice.
The guide will, therefore, address such crucial questions as what is a career, career types, factors that influence career choice and the various career fields to choose from. It will also sensitize the students on the subject requirements for specific career fields. From the enquiries we receive, it has also emerged that over time, some misconceptions have come to surround certain issues related to careers. It is therefore, necessary to burst these myths and give you the correct position. We would like to thank the MKU University Council, MKU Staff, the Ministry of Higher Education , Science and Technology, Ministry of Basic Education and Consultants who contributed immensely to make this career guide book a reality.
In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the reader a most informed career choice and every success in all your endeavors.

Career Prospectus

Teacher Professional Development Course (TPD)

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