Learn How to Solve Absolute Value Equations in 3 Easy Steps!

Solving Absolute Value Equations: Complete Guide

The following step-by-step guide will show you how to solve absolute value equations and absolute value functions with ease (Algebra)


Welcome to this free lesson guide that accompanies this Solving Absolute Value Equations Tutorial where you will learn the answers to the following key questions and information:

This Complete Guide to Solving Absolute Value Equations includes several examples, a step-by-step tutorial and an animated video tutorial.

*This lesson guide accompanies our animated Solving Absolute Value Equations Explained! video.

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Intro to Solving Absolute Value Equations

Before you work on a few absolute value equations examples, let’s quickly review some important information:

Fact: Any value inside of absolute value bars represents either a positive number or zero.

Notice that the absolute value graph in Figure 1 has a range of y is greater than or equal to 0 (it is never negative)

Notice that the terms are in reverse order!

Figure 1: The parent function for absolute value.

Furthermore, consider the example below:


There are two values that would make this equation true!

Figure 1

The absolute value of 5 AND the absolute value of -5 both equal positive 5.

This should make sense when you graph the line y=5 over the absolute value function graph because you can see that there are two intersection points, and thus two solutions.

Absolute value functions can have up <a href=to two solutions!" width="466" height="303" />


Now you are ready to try a few examples.

Solving Absolute Value Equations Example #1

Notice that -30x and 12 <a href=are like terms." width="473" height="57" />

We will be using the following 3-step process that can be used to solve any absolute value equation:


STEP ONE: Isolate the Absolute Value

In this example, the absolute value is already isolated on one side of the equals sign, which means that there are no other terms outside of the absolute value, so you can move onto step two.

STEP TWO: Solve for Positive AND Solve for Negative

For step two, you have to take the original equation |x+3| = 6 and split it up into two equations, one equal to POSITIVE 6 and the other equal to NEGATIVE 6. You also get rid of the absolute value bars.