The Complete Guide to Strategy Evaluation

The Complete Guide to Strategy Evaluation

All organizational strategies are constantly reviewed and revised. As the internal and external environments of an organization change, so should the company strategy to aid in the survival and growth of an organization. A standard process to evaluate the effectiveness of an organizational strategy is therefore essential. It ensures that the organization is on the right path and is constantly adapting in a dynamic market.

In this post, we will be explaining what strategy evaluation is and how to effectively implement the process.

What is Strategy Evaluation

Strategic evaluation constitutes the final stage of strategic management and is considered one of the most vital steps in the process.

Strategy Management Process

Strategy evaluation is the process by which the management assesses how well a chosen strategy has been implemented and how successful or otherwise the strategy is. To simply put, strategy evaluation entails reviewing and appraising the strategy implementation process and measuring organizational performance.

In the instance, the implementation of the strategy is not taking place as planned, say due to the limitations in the strategy that are blocking the achievement of organizational goals, necessary corrective actions should be identified and applied.

At the end of the evaluation, you’ll have gathered insight to either reformulate the strategy or to plan and develop new ones.

Evaluating the strategy helps improve it, distinguish between what works and what doesn’t, and contribute to the ongoing development and adaptation of the strategy to the changing conditions and complexities in the industry.

Strategy evaluation operates at two levels; strategic and operational. At the strategic level, the focus is given to the consistency of the strategy with the environment, and at the operational level, how well the organization is pursuing the strategy is assessed.

Through the process of strategy evaluation, strategists can make sure that the,

Participants of the Strategy Evaluation

The stage of strategy evaluation requires the contribution of several participants who will be playing different roles throughout the process.

The board of directors: takes on the formal role of reviewing and screening the executive decisions in light of their environmental, business, and organizational implications. Although they are not directly involved in the evaluation and control of the strategy implementation process, they periodically take part in reviewing the organization’s performance and results.

Chief executives: are responsible for all the administrative tasks of strategy evaluation and control.

The SBU or profit-center heads: monitor strategy implementation at the business unit level and give feedback to the corporate parent who can intervene as necessary.

Financial controller, company secretaries, and external and internal auditors: responsible for operational control based on financial analysis, budgeting, and reporting.

Middle-level managers: carry out tasks assigned to them by SBU heads or the strategic planning group, and provide them with feedback and information. They will also be participating in the corrective actions, in the case of mid-term revisions in the implementation process.

Importance of Strategic Evaluation

The phase of strategy evaluation helps ensure that the implementation of the particular strategy will help the organization achieve its objectives. Without this step in the strategy management process, it would prove difficult to identify whether the strategy implemented is generating the desired effect. In addition, strategy evaluation also helps,

Strategy Evaluation Process

The strategy evaluation is carried out in order to determine that the strategy is helping the organization achieve its objectives. It compares the actual performance of the organization with desired results and provides the necessary insight into the corrective action that needs to be taken to improve the performance of the organization. Following are the steps in the process of evaluating strategy.

Establish standards

This step starts with determining what standards to set, how to set them, and the terms used to express the standards. To do this,

Performance indicators have to be set on the basis of quantitative or qualitative criteria in order to make measuring performance easier.